Express Virtual Bookeeping
About Express Bookkeeping
Jennifer Swieneski - Owner of JskiEXPRESS
I am a seasoned Business Professional Fixer with experience in many areas. Outside of Bookkeeping I have worked in Sales, owning my own ECommerce Business. The responsibilities included Sales, Bookkeeping, Inventory, Research, Budget, Expenses and more. Also, for many years I worked closely with Attorney's, Insurance Companies and Pharmacies on Workers’ Compensation Cases, Car Accidents, Property Damage and Bodily Injury Claims. We negotiated settlement, arbitrations, cash collections, subrogation and much more.
My husband and I have been together for 26 wonderful years and have an amazing son who is on the Autism Spectrum. I understand the importance of hard work, commitment, work life balance and recognizing the gains of achievements reached along the way, while continuing to strive for a better future.
Let me take care of your bookkeeping needs so you don't have to. Bring your focus back to maintaining and growing your business. Reduce the day to day stress, leaving you more time to do things that are most important to you. Virtual Bookkeeping is going Green and on-line banking. Less paper, Less work hours, Less HASSLE!

Let’s Work Together
Get in touch so we can start working on your finances.

142 Lowell RD Unit 152
Hudson, NH 03051